This page calculates the convective and radiative heat transfer from an isothermal vertical plate. The average convective heat transfer coefficient is calculated assuming natural convection conditions. The convection calculation automatically switches between laminar and turbulent convection correlations based on Rayleigh number. The plate transfers heat from only one of its sides. It is assumed to be insulated on the other.

Define the plate size, surface temperature and ambient temperature. You also need to define the fluid properties. This page will calculate a heat transfer coefficient based on the flow conditions as well as the heat transfer by convection and radiation from the isothermal plate.

To account for convection only, make the emissivity equal to 0. Similarly, to account for radiation only, make the tehrmal conductivity = 0.

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Plate and Flow Conditions

Fluid Properties at Film Temperature, Except for Density. (Defaults are for Air at 20C)

Description Symbol Value Units
Film Temperature = (Tp+Ta)/2 Tf oC
Specific Heat  Cp J/kg-oC
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion B 1/K
Thermal Conductivity k W/m-oC
Dynamic Viscosity kg/m-s
Density at reference temperature of 20 C rhoref kg/m3
Density calculated at film temperature Tf rho kg/m3
Emissivity e None

Plate Dimensions

Description Symbol Value Units
Plate Width (across flow) W Meters
Plate Height (with flow) H Meters
Plate Temperature Tp oC
Ambient Temperature Ta oC

Results for Plate

Description Symbol Value Units
Prandlt Number = v/a Pr None
Grashof Number = g*cte*(Tp-Ta)*H3/v2 Gr None
Rayleigh Number = Gr*Pr Ra None
Nusselt= Nu None
Average Heat Transfer Coefficient = Nu*k/H h W/m2-C
Convective HeatTransfer = h*W*H*(Tp-Ta) qconv W
Radiative Heat Transfer= Sigma*W*H*e*(Tp4-Ta4) qrad W
Total Heat Transfer = qconv + qrad qtot W

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